Why I created The Cove Copy

Stories are how we create meaning in our lives. They help us share wisdom on how to survive, and how to thrive. Your brand story has a special magic - it allows you to connect at a deep, instinctive level with ideal clients, inviting trusting relationships and growing your business.

And it goes deeper. Surfacing your story helps you get confidence and clarity about your purpose, so you can make aligned decisions and craft an intentional life.

Here, I reveal the story behind my brand The Cove Copy. Plus, I share tips to connect with wisdom in nature, helping you navigate crossroads in business.


In this post:

- What’s the story behind the cove?

- Why the brand concept of the cove?

- How my brand concept influences how I serve

- How my brand shapes the way I run my business

- How to find business wisdom in nature


What’s the story behind the cove?

Picture a place that makes you feel inspired, calm, and uplifted. Where does your imagination take you?

For me, it’s the magical stretch of coastline in Silverdale, just south of the Lake District. It sparked the big idea behind my business brand, inspired the world of my novel in progress, and now it’s the place I call home. I love how the different strands have come together, and my life feels aligned. Moving here felt like a homecoming.

My partner introduced me to the area five years ago. I fell in love with the magic of the place. I remember climbing the Knott in the light summer rain. As we gazed out on the fields of cows and the glimmering estuary beyond, I heard the faint tinkling of bells.

It was a magical moment. I revisited that place hundreds of times but never heard the bells again. Not until a couple of months after moving here. It was a sign I had found home.

Why the brand concept of the cove?

While I now live minutes away from Silverdale Cove, the meaning behind it has a deeper resonance. It’s about the feelings this place inspires. The secluded creeks and coves along this coastline invite calm and clarity. The image of the cove distils that emotional response.

Most of all, I’m fascinated by the tension between the sheltered bay and the vast horizon. It reminds me that from a place of calm, quiet confidence you can head in the direction of your wildest dreams.

How my brand concept influences how I serve

The idea of the cove is the golden thread that runs through everything I do in the business. I love helping clients to get quiet, delve deep within, and surface their story. When you communicate that emotional connection, you attract clients who love you, recommend you, and repeat buy.

I’ve developed my services with the feelings of calm and clarity in mind. I focus on helping clients to crystallise their story to transform how they feel within the business. Finding meaning and fulfilment in what you do empowers you to make more aligned decisions.

How my brand shapes the way I run my business

The concept of the cove is not just about the services I offer but shapes how I navigate business. I know when I create from a place of calm energy, that comes across in the final copy. I’ve developed business rhythms and rituals in my business to help. Rising early and writing by candlelight encourages me to start the day intentionally.

Of course, business can be overwhelming at times. It can be easy to lose sight of your true priorities and for self-doubt to drown out your inner wisdom.

That’s when I know to take time out and head to the cove and reconnect with my purpose.

How to find business wisdom in nature

Tuning into nature helps me quieten racing thoughts, listen to my intuition, and recover perspective. As a business owner, it’s essential to access your deeper wisdom to make aligned decisions.

A big part of my decision to move to Silverdale was to enjoy more magical moments here.

Here are a few ways I seek wisdom from nature when I feel stuck or lost. I hope these tips help you to experience a greater sense of calm and clarity in your business life.

Make space for awe

If you ever struggle with a feeling of time scarcity, this is the perfect antidote. Experiencing awe expands your sense of time. Try pausing and gazing at the sky for 60 seconds. I promise it will shift your perspective.

Wonder as you wander

When you’re blocked, it’s tempting to wrestle with a problem, but that rarely works. I’m continually reminding myself that not holding onto things too tightly and heading out for a walk can surface new approaches to the thorniest problems.

Seek out symbols

If you’re grappling with a big decision, notice what signs in nature may be telling you. For example, I kept seeing white feathers when I was making a career change to writing. I saw it as a sign that I was on the right path. It gave me a welcome confidence boost at unexpected moments.



- Sharing your story helps you connect at a deep, instinctive level with ideal clients, inviting trusting relationships and growing your business.

- Having a clear story about your purpose helps you feel more fulfilled and make decisions with confidence.

- Understanding the why behind your business allows you to shape your working rhythms and rituals in alignment with your values.

- Heading outside can create space for calm energy and enable you to recover perspective.


Want help with surfacing your story?

Perhaps you have a sense of your vision and values, but you struggle to weave it all together in a way that connects emotionally with your audience.

I help you craft a compelling story that resonates with potential clients and invites trusting relationships. Get in touch to find out more.


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